Safeguarding at Trinity
Looking after children and young people at Trinity is a priority we take very seriously
The safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is something we attend to with great care, not just because it's the law but because we are a loving community who have concern for one another. Parents need to know their children are safe with us.
All our children's workers are properly DBS checked. They are all asked to fill in volunteer forms and have references followed up. We have safeguarding training at least once a year. We have safeguarding policies and procedures that are fully in line with national standards and we make sure we follow our own guidelines. Children and the vulnerable are safe with us.
Our two Designated Persons for Safeguarding are Rachel Bawden and Michael Gurney. Our Deacon with responsibility for safeguarding is Michael Gurney. Carol Iddon looks after all our DBS checks. Our pastor Wayne Clarke is also an active member of our safeguarding team. Please contact Rachel in the first place with any safeguarding concerns.
Please find attached here our most recent Safeguarding policy statement and our Safeguarding procedures document in Word and pdf formats. Both can be downloaded. Right click on the document icon to download the file.