Special Church meeting and Annual Meeting - September 16th 2019
We are calling a "special" church meeting on Monday September 16th at 8.00pm in the Church for all church members, to discuss two matters about the church constitution.
One is to approve the constitution of a new CIO - Charitable Incorporated Organisation - that will take over the legal status of the Church.
The other matter is to change our holding trustrees from the Northwestern Baptist Association to the Baptist Union Corporation.
Here is the proposed CIO constitution in Word and pdf format. Right click on the document to download it. Please read this before the meeting.
Here are the two matters we will be asked to vote on:
1. Agreeing to the new CIO
The members of Trinity Baptist Church Gorton resolve that:
the incorporation of Trinity Baptist Church (“the Church”) as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“CIO”) be approved;
the Constitution of the CIO shall be in substantially the form provided;
at the point of incorporation, the members of the Church will automatically become the first members of the CIO;
following the establishment of the CIO, the trustees of the Church shall effect the transfer of assets (other than property held on separate property trusts by the Baptist Union Corporation Limited/NWBA for the benefit of the Church), liabilities and activities of the Church to the CIO; and
following the establishment of the CIO, the trustees of the Church and the property holding trustees (the Baptist Union Corporation Limited/NWBA) shall recognise the CIO as being the organisation with the benefit of the property which is held on behalf of the Church.
2. Changing our holding trustees - this is the body that is the ultimate trustee of our church building and land.
It is agreed by the members of Trinity Baptist Church, Gorton, that any property (and trust funds if applicable) currently held in trust for the church by the North Western Baptist Association shall be transferred to be held by the Baptist Union Corporation Limited as holding trustee.
In order to be carried these resolutions need the approval of votes of "not less than two-thirds of the members personally present entitled to vote and voting" at the meeting.
This Special meeting will be followed by our AGM which will include the election of deacons for the coming three years and approval of the church's accounts for the year 2018-19.
AGM Agenda
Apologies for absence
Minutes of 22nd July 2019 to be approved
Matters arising to be deferred to next meeting
Election of deacons Nominations: Kwaku Adjekum, Noah Chijingu
Accounts for 2018-2019 and report from Independent Examiner
Review of Safeguarding policy
CAP report
Energise report
Pastor’s report and questions towards our vision
Prayers and Close
Next ordinary church meeting: Monday October 28th